What is QUIC.cloud DNS?

In order for QUIC.cloud (or any CDN) to work properly, DNS is required. A DNS (Domain Name System) translates domain names to IP addresses, and facilitates the transfer of information around the internet.

With QUIC.cloud’s new DNS service, you no longer have to configure a separate DNS provider for use with our CDN. You can configure DNS right from your QUIC.cloud dashboard, for full CDN integration.

Setup is Easy

QUIC.cloud DNS detects your current DNS configuration and provides an easy-to-use interface. You can easily modify and adjust your DNS records as needed.

Why use QUIC.cloud DNS?

When you take advantage of QUIC.cloud’s built-in DNS, you get better integration with the CDN itself, but more importantly, you get potentially more accurate geolocation for your visitors. This matters because QUIC.cloud can make a more informed decision about which node to serve a request from, when it has a correct visitor location.

We’ve seen other DNS providers use databases that are rarely up to date. And we’ve seen other DNS providers rely on a proxy IP address rather than the visitor’s own IP. In such situations, it is not uncommon for the DNS to report an incorrect visitor location. Acting on bad information, the CDN then serves content from a less-than-ideal node location.

QUIC.cloud’s new DNS service uses a feature called ECS (EDNS-Client-Subnet), whereby a visitor’s subnet is provided as part of the DNS query. This allows us to use accurate location information to make better informed node selections. Better node selection means your site travels a shorter distance to your visitors, which means a faster, better user experience.

Quarta-feira, Dezembro 30, 2020

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